Friday, July 31, 2009

Weird Dream....... sorta scared, wut does it mean?

ok, this is TOTALLY tru,i'm not making it up or anything cuz i hate ppl that make up questions cuz they have nothing better 2 do. anywayz.......

i had this weird dream the other nite that my dad died, and we were holding a funeral 4 him. we put him in a box and sent him out 2 sea and scattered flowers around him, and it wuz really sad and i wuz crying so hard. but then my boyfriend walked up 2 me (still in my dream) and sayz that his dad isn't doing 2 well, and hez going 2 go visit him in California. and that just made me more sad cuz not only had my dad died, but my bf wuz going to be leaving 4 a while as well. so i woke up crying, but by the end of the day had basically almost forgotten all about it.

a couple of dayz later i called my boyfriend's house 2 talk and his step-dad answers the phone and sayz that he is in California visiting his dad 4 the whole summer. i thought it wuz a joke.but dayz went by + i called again. same answer. idk wutz happening. sum1 explain pleez! :)

Weird Dream....... sorta scared, wut does it mean?
you must have tapped into your subconsious where you predicted this. Your dad most likely just represented something male or something strong in your life dissapearing. Maybe like your bfr. Your dad might have represented the presence of your boyfriend. So you most likely already expected him to go to cali because it was your fear. And it came in the dream. bUT WHY Didnt he tell you he was leaving to go to cali? anyway, good luck,
Reply:Dreams are not fiction they are your subconscious. maybe he mentioned it or you over heard it and forgot about it. You knew in the back of your mind though and dreamt it.
Reply:The deaths in your dream reflect your missing someone, and it's clear from your phone call to your boyfriend's home that the person you're missing is him.

It's nothing to worry about; your boyfriend is just very important to you, and you miss him.
Reply:your bf probally mentioned something about going to cali. and you just forgot....
Reply:Okay, I think you have problems. So you didn't know that your boyfriend was going to be gone for the whole summer. That is wierd in itself. I think I would know if my boyfriend was going to be gone for the summer. And dreams are dreams... fiction, nothing more.
Reply:You have experienced an unpredictable fail in a very serious thing (Relationship with a person). You are not able to realize how this happened.

your wondering is "Who has been acting behind the scenes ?". Who fouled up my plan ?.

That is what is upsetting you in real life.

The event :(Your friend leaving with his "dad"), is the way out for you to figure out things.

No more details
Reply:just a coincidence i suppose. Some say dreams are time travel, but we have no way of telling. And you must be young because why would your bf just up and leave without telling you. I would be more worried about that then ur dream. Or maybe you were just sleep walking and you had that convo with him about him leaving and thought it was a dream.
Reply:See i had a scary dream to. it depends wat it was. Like if it was a fire it probably repesent something. Dont worry about it to because it was just a dream.
Reply:It means that you think you can't trust any of the men in your life.


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