Saturday, July 25, 2009

:) Joke - What are you laughing at?

A cardiac specialist died and at his funeral the coffin was placed in front of huge mock up of a heart made up of flowers. When the pastor finished with the sermon and eulogy, and after everyone said their good-byes, the heart opened, the coffin rolled inside and the heart closed.

Just then one of the mourners burst into laughter, "I was thinking about my own funeral" the man replied.

"What's so funny about that?"

"I'm a gynecologist."

:) Joke - What are you laughing at?
Good one. Star.
Reply:lol hee hee have a star! *giggle*
Reply:hehehe, naughty but nice!
Reply:Well funny.
Reply:hahaha! good one lol
Reply:we didnt start the fire it was always burning as the world was turning
Reply:like that one.
Reply:ha ha lol, agood one
Reply:haha.. that's funny
Reply:Lol. Funny
Reply:lolololol too funny
Reply:lol lol lol lol lol. good one. better than the other one. 1 star for u!!
Reply:nothing, --Q, why do they call a camel the ship of the desert....A, because its full of Arab seaman............
Reply:thats a good one !
Reply:good one
Reply:That's f-u-c-k-i-n' hysterical!!! Thanks for the laugh!
Reply:that is frankly disgusting and disrespectful to the dead.

i love it!
Reply:LOL. He'd better make some arrangements beforehand! LOL.
Reply:Good one!!
Reply:he he he excellent 10/10
Reply:OMG! That's great!
Reply:yea i guess it would be a whole lot more funnier

if i knew wat that jast word was
Reply:too funny!!

A husband emerged from the bathroom naked and was climbing into bed when his wife complained, as usual, "I have a headache." "Perfect," her husband said. "I was just in the bathroom powdering my penis with aspirin. You can take it orally or as a suppository, it's up to you!"

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