Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is there a correct way to press a flower?

i have a flower from my cousins funeral that I would like to press please be detailed so I don%26#039;t mess it up thanx

Is there a correct way to press a flower?
When I pressed a flower from my stepmom%26#039;s funeral I sprayed it with a little bit of hairspray (so it wouldn%26#039;t fall apart after it dried), put it between two pieces of wax paper, and then put it between two heavy books for few weeks or so. (Sometimes it takes longer.) I still have it and that was almost 10 years ago. Hope that helps you and sorry for your family%26#039;s loss. God bless.

P.S. If you don%26#039;t put it in between wax paper it will stick to whatever you put it between.
Reply:I have pressed flowers by just putting them in a book, like a dictionary or Bible, and forgetting about it for approximately 6 weeks.


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