Sunday, April 19, 2009

Like this joke?

A cardiologist died and was given an elaborate funeral. A

huge heart covered in flowers stood behind the casket during

the service. Following the eulogy, the heart opened, and the

casket rolled inside. The heart then closed, sealing the doctor

in the beautiful heart forever.

At that point, one of the mourners burst into laughter. When

all eyes stared at him, he said, %26quot;I%26#039;m sorry, I was just thinking

of my own funeral..... I%26#039;m a gynecologist.%26quot;

That%26#039;s when the proctologist fainted.

Like this joke?
Really cute!! I%26#039;m gonna tell that one!!
Reply:That is cute
Reply:i loved it
Reply:lol! great joke!
Reply:lmao that is hilarious!!! lol you could make my day any day!!!! thanks so much for the laugh!!! If you don%26#039;t mind i would love to pass this around!!! lol priceless!
Reply:lol i can imagine the gynecologist funeral
Reply:about time someone came with a good joke, that was funny.
Reply::O haha!
Reply:That was funny! Great Joke!
Reply:Very funny....
Reply:LOL.... thanks for a laugh.......

Thanks for the laugh!
Reply:That%26#039;s better than any lawyer joke I%26#039;ve ever heard.
Reply:ha ha!


This one actually made me laugh lol.
Reply:hahah. that is a great joke. lol. that just made my day.
Reply:lol funny!
Reply:Yes! Very funny :-)

Thanks for sharing-I%26#039;m gonna borrow that one
Reply:Yes, it is funny

good one

Reply:lol thats funny. heres a star for u.
Reply:Good one. A++
Reply:that is gross
Reply:ya ya ya very funny really thanx from my heart
Reply:hahaa thats fny that made my day! lollol
Reply:Great joke. That made my day.
Reply:hahahahaha man where do you people find this things that was a great joke!

genealogy mormon

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