Okay my 28 year old brother recently passed away out of the blue a couple weeks ago.
So last night i had a dream that I was in my kitchen in my apartment and out of nowhere the flower vase from his funeral was on the floor and the dirty water (from the dead flowers) was pouring out upon my feet. I was thinking %26quot;how in the heck did this get here?%26quot;
Then I left the kitchen and I distinctly heard my brothers voice say %26quot;call the police, call 911.%26quot; Of course fear raced thru me at this point. i was not thinking clearly in the dream so I walked right past my cell phone into the kitchen where a man was standing there...it was freaky...i do not remember clearly the what he looked like but i do know I was terrified and sure I was going to die in the dream.
My question is could this dream be a way of warning me of a future event, could my brother really be talking to me?I have lost a lot of family members and I am only 21 so really theres no one left to protect me.
Does this dream have paranormal significance or premonition?
How was the man in the kitchen dressed?
Was the lightning in the apartment dim, normal or bright?
Darkness in a dream usually means the presence of an evil, the man that frightened you could support this notion.
The vase.... is sometimes us. Filled with dirty water, impurity, getting your feet dirty furthers this.
IMO - its a warning. If the dream was in color, it %26quot;tends%26quot; to mean its from God. IMO God is calling to you, he is warning but not about something specific like your doom or something, but I think he is calling you and trying to get your attention.
Reply:One of the most common reasons that spirits stick around after death is to watch over family that are still here. It could be a dream that has some survivor%26#039;s guilt in there too. But I would be very careful about anything like that bad bf or other creepers because this is what familial ghosts seem to do best, watch out for and warn family. Most cellphones will program 911 in first place in contacts. I would do that and keep it close and put 911 in the speed dial on your home phone too. Also leave some flowers on his grave so he knows you still care.
Dreams are how ghosts communicate sometimes. Don%26#039;t be too freaked out if he makes a personal visit some night.
Reply:Read this book, ASTRAL DYNAMICS.
All your question are in it...
Reply:We are given dreams from God or spirits as warnings, I had some come true. Loved ones, spirits do come to us in dreams....My spirit guide gives me memories in dreams form, and usually there is messages within, it%26#039;s one way they communicate with us. It%26#039;s even possible that your brother can become your spirit guide, guides are very concern to do with your spirit.....I have a feeling He is telling you of something of the future, and that you would receive more messages from him soon.
Reply:Dreams are strange things. Each person has different dreams and every person comes up with different methods of reconciling them. Personally, I have yet to come across anything about dreams that might suggest they are influenced by %26quot;the other side%26quot;. I think it%26#039;s far more reasonable to assume you are just coming to terms with the loss of your brother.
Reply:well either it means nothing or it could mean something about the bf. i mean if he is Violante than he may do something bad.
and if this is so. than they vase was either a way to get your attention or maybe your brother is mad he wont be there to help you.
i would just relax, i mean if it is a real message then he should send another since you didn%26#039;t really get this one.
and in the meantime watch the bf, i really hope he gets his violence together and doesn%26#039;t hurt you or anyone else.
and it wouldn%26#039;t hurt to have 911 on speed dial.
Reply:I think something tragic happened to your brother and he is trying to tell you what happened through your dreams. He may also be trying to warn you about your bf. Spirits have ways of knowing what happens before it happens he might be trying to warn you before something bad happen with your bf. I would be careful violent bf is no joke.
Reply:He could be warning you about your boyfriend.
If your boyfriend is violent, definitely get away from him.
Reply:Often when a loved one dies, especially in the first couple of years, odd things happen. For instance the flowers that arrive on the anniversary of a widow%26#039;s wedding. He payed for the flowers ahead of time and they arrived when he was dead. Or finding an old memento of a person who has passed away, thinking that you hear someones voice... similar things are common amongst those grieving.
It sounds like a healthy dream to me, more of the type that helps you figure out problems and come to terms with your feelings.
Reply:No, this was merely a dream. Its likely it was stimulated by fear, and thought of your own mortality.
My suggestion is that you make peace with Jesus Christ and accept his gift. If you do not know how to do this, find a methodist, protestant, lutheran, or baptist church in your area for help, they will guide you. Once your soul is saved, you will no longer need to fear death.
Reply:its true that dreams do mean something. but as of this all i can make up is that since u dont know how ur brother died? ur imagining subconsciously it was some form of murder, and your subconscious mind wants to help him out by calling 911.. and while you do so, the justification of the imagination brings forward a stranger who, you percieve as the murderer, and your own security threat that r about to die as well. no future event in this, but its only an imagination.
however, if ur not still satisfied, go to this site and search for dream meanings. %26gt;%26gt; www.dreammoods.com %26lt;%26lt;
Reply:three things.... this to me id the most unlikely, other may disagree... that yes it all has to do with the way you are feeling... i dount that though.. sounds like it could be a visitaion.... COULD be....
now 2... your brother was showing you something about when he died.... how did he die? also in that point, which is probably most likely.... your brother died so suddenly that he hasnt crossed over all the way yet because he is still trying to figure out what happened... talk to him. and 3..... yes he could be alerting you to some event which may well happen inside 2 weeks... in that case, if something happens particularly with this boyfriend of yours, as soon as the thought enters your mind, call the police. your brother may be aware of information you are not yet. just wait, talk to him and see if you dream again, and repost.... i hope all will be well. and im very very sorry for your tragedy.
and, the man in the dream may have no real significance to his actual death... i wouldnt jump to think he was murdered.. it could mean anything... the panic in your brother is just that i reckon... he died so suddenly it seems... that man could be a passed family member.... hopefully you dream again to piece it together better. ask him to show you more. and he will.
Reply:I%26#039;m very sorry about your loss.
As for the dream; it%26#039;s just your subconscious unloading baggage. Don%26#039;t dwell on it.
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